industry news

Links to Check Out 05/20/2011

  • “In his latest column for The New York Times Magazine, Bill Keller, The Times’s executive editor, likens clearing the way for his 13-year-old daughter to join Facebook to handing her “a pipe of crystal meth.”

    I can’t say I have ever tried crystal meth, but I do visit social networks on a regular basis. Twitter, which Mr. Keller says he believes could make us “stupid,” has become an irreplaceable part of my daily life; it augments how I report stories, socialize with friends and share and consume everything from store coupons to breaking news.”

    tags: twitter nytimes journalism socialmedia

  • “So here’s what I think we could do with students: Assign a different entry to each student in a class and have the student use it as a springboard into an exploration of that subject. So instead of “Write a report about …”, the assignment is to take a report that’s already been written and use it to find examples, exceptions, or even inaccuracies.”

    tags: online journalism teaching encyclo

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.